Let Me Introduce Myself.

Hi, I'm Kim! I am an emoticon abuser, exclamation point over-user and a newbie blogger! I have a day job, and the wonderful, never ending job of being a "mama". My days are full and often over planned with too much optimism. 

I have the greatest husband and TWO (yep we did it again) daughters. One is 13 and the other is approaching those terrific two’s. They are my honest inspiration for blogging. And my favorite people.

I think my first love (besides them of course) is my love to talk. I know, shocking right?! Well, a close second to my love for the English language, is food. I'm one of those picky eaters who claim to be a foodie until it has something I don't like in it. Hey! We all have our downfalls...

All kidding aside, I love to spend time with my family and that often includes us baking, cooking, crafting, DIY'ing, exercising and just getting into some old fashion fun.  Oh! And iPhotographing (is that a thing?)!

So, with all of this being said, I hope this blog serves to inspire. Not just you as a reader, but also myself. I want to always remember to slow down, let our daughters smell the flowers, capture the moments they play pretend, and still enjoy being in the kitchen with us. I want to stay healthy and active and teach them both, through community, how wonderful that can be.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me and my loves. I hope you check back often to see what we're up to in our little town of Denton (and the travels we are lucky enough to take).
