So let me start by saying; in general, I’m a pretty nice person (if I do say so myself). I’ll be the first to smile at someone in the morning and say "hello" at first sight. I try to offer help or even comforting words when I see the slightest need. Matter of fact, while I was coming up with this list, I felt like I was doing things that could have been included on the list but since I was already attempting to complete the task, I didn’t want to cheat and add it here. (Especially volunteering to coach my daughter’s cheer team.)
Now, I can't take credit for the idea all on my own. I actually stumbled across it while browsing Pinterest one day. Feel free to check out the original post here.
Although I loved the idea, I did need to change it to more match my own personal goals since I wanted to be challenged by the list and force myself to step outside of my comfort zone. A few of the ones listed on Kara’s list are already a part of my every day (or every quarter) life style such as donating clothes or books. (I’m not one to hold a garage sale; I’d rather just take it and drop it off somewhere for instant gratification of having free space.)
That being said, I loved the idea of having something tangible to keep me grounded. Something that would encourage me to make the last stretch of my 34th year carry some weight. Something that would not just push me to be a better person but do more by having a list that will take me out of my normal, every day routine.
Here are my somethings. My list of 35 acts of kindness that I would like to accomplish before my 35th birthday, which is coming up much faster than I anticipated...
- Leave something simple on someone's doorstep who could appreciate the gesture.
- Put positive notes around town for strangers.
- Compliment a stranger.
- Mail a card or letter to a friend just because.
- Volunteer. (Not with DARC.)
- Pay for the person behind you.
- Hide money for a stranger to find.
- Clean up an area around town that you love.
- Help a stranger with their groceries.
- Send dessert to a stranger's table.
- Leave a BIG tip!
- Pay for someone's dinner/meal.
- Tell a mom you don't know that she's doing a great job.
- Appreciate someone who is under appreciated.
- Help someone do something they can't do without your help.
- Buy something from someone's Amazon Wishlist and have it mailed to them.
- Hide Easter eggs throughout the city with treats inside them.
- Compliment someone to their boss.
- Provide dinner to a neighbor or friend who is busy or overwhelmed.
- Make a donation to the Denton Animal Shelter.
- Leave a book you really like some where with a note.
- Buy an extra umbrella and keep it in your car; next time it's raining and you see someone without one, gift them that umbrella.
- Do something or give something to thank the mail person.
- Do something or give something to thank the garbage men/recycling men.
- Leave quarters in the Quarter Machines at a grocery store to surprise a little one.
- Follow up with someone you know who has been dealing with something 'heavy'.
- Loan someone money on to help someone's dream come true.
- Create a jar of happiness for someone. List all sorts of compliments & motivators for an instant pick-me-up.
- Place inspiring notes in the restroom at work to inspire ladies.
- Pay it forward at the vending machine.
- Place pennies heads up on the sidewalk.
- Take a tasty treat to work for collogues for no reason.
- Mow someone's yard without being asked and for no charge.
- Donate to a local charity.
- Print pictures for someone of them or loved ones.
To be able to keep track of my list, I have written it (with very few errors) and placed it inside my Happy Planner. This way, it is with me at all times and serves as a (not so gentle) reminder to make sure I start crossing things off that list. After all... Thirty-five will be here before I know it.
35 By 35
Just ignore that one without a number... or a box... it's a duplicate, or an 'oops' as you can see.
(I believe the actual day count right now, August 14th, until Sept 16th (my 35th birthday) is down to 32 days! That's less than 1 RAK a day!)
Wish Me Luck!